April 4, 2009

Life Cycle of Stars Graphic Organizer

Use this graphic organizer to keep track of the life cycle differences of an average star and massive star. Fill in the names and descriptions for each step in the life cycles. The first step is done for you as an example.

April 1, 2009

Chapter 26 vocabulary list

The following are the Vocabulary Words that you should know and the pages to find them on: big bang theory p. 837 ,constellation p. 818, cosmology p. 836, dark energy p. 839, dark matter p. 838, galaxy p. 831 ,giant p. 825, light-year p. 821, Local Group p. 832, main sequence p. 823, Milky Way p. 831, photosphere p. 827, radio telescope p. 821, reflecting telescope p. 820, refracting telescope p. 819, solar mass p. 827 ,spectroscope p. 822, sunspots p. 828, white dwarf p. 825

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Practice Assignment #3

Test your knowledge of Star evolution by taking the quiz.

Practice Assignment #2

Click on the link to play a review game. Choose one of the options at the top of the page to test your knowledge! Email your results to me at anicitoa@stlucie.k12.fl.us

Practice Assignment #1

Use the link to draw the stages of the Sun and then interpret the diagram.

March 31, 2009

Chapter 26 online

Use the link to access all of the fantastic resources your book has to offer. There are quizzes, tutoring, vocabulary flashcards, etc.

Sun Notes

Click on the link below to find the resources used for notes on the Sun.